Quick Breads and Mama Bread

I returned from Anchorage and the first thing I did when I walked through the door at home was to go tend my starter. I fed that little levain with fervor, for I’d missed having my hands in dough so badly. Alas, it would still be a few days until I could bake bread since it takes a some time to get the yeasties active again. Hence, I went on a quick-bread and/or snacking loaf kick. It started with this grapefruit snacking cake that I spotted in the April issue of Bon Apetit on the plane ride home. This … Read more

This Week- Anchorage –> Home

Anchorage, Alaska –> Home at the end of the week I started this week in Alaska with my family for Spring Break, which puts one more notch on my state-by-state belt. As Gregg was approaching a big birthday, people kept asking him about his “bucket list”, a term I’m not all that crazy about, but still. What I am crazy about is making things happen for people, so when he kept answering “The Northern Lights”, I started checking tickets and researching the magic that is magnetic radiation hitting our atmosphere. I had never been to Alaska and here’s what … Read more

This Week’s Adventures in Bread

Red Wheat Levain

Oh, how I love you, Organic Landrace Red Wheat from Camas Country Mill. I’m working my way through your 50-pound sack and each time I reach in for a new cup, I muse on how clean and plump and healthy you are. You will certainly nourish me to the core this week. What is landrace wheat? Landrace refers to a breed that has been adapted for a regional ecotype. My understanding is that within a species, there are genetic variations and some of these variations are adaptations to the specific environments where they are being bred. What seems important … Read more

Talking with Bakers *Brad Holderfield of Tabor Bread*

  Brad Holderfield grew up around military bases the world over. His family hopped from Alabama to the west coast, then all the way over to Germany. It was weird moving around all the time, and to cope with the inevitable detachment that comes with not being able to put down roots, he retreated into a world of fantasy and daydreaming. There is a wild, ethereal air about him, even today at thirty-something. While totally grounded in his knowledge about bread and baking, he has a spacious look in his eyes, as if he might be seeing all that … Read more

Books & Bread *Josey Baker Bread*

Books and bread are two of the headiest things in this world. Combine them and I can’t help but delve in. Here is the first installment in recording my adventures with books & bread.   Book: Josey Baker Bread by Josey Baker   Recipe: Dark Mountain Rye   I was lucky enough to discover Josey Baker Bread long after I’d already become an avid home baker. Oh man, what crazy ardent joy I discovered when this book landed in my lap! First, there is nothing about Josey that’s not steeped in exuberance. He releases smiles and encouragement at every … Read more