A Baker’s Baker

Dave Miller is a baker’s baker. He’s been at it a long time, making a style of bread since the early ‘90s that’s just now getting its due. Once in a class he taught, he surprised me by kind of setting aside logic for a moment, and modestly embraced the relationship of baker to bread. “Just go by how the dough feels,” he told an earnest newbie. Then he made a loaf of bread worthy of the reverence he has for his craft. It was the essence of wheat held together by terroir-trapped air. I took bite after bite … Read more

Talking with Bakers *Brad Holderfield of Tabor Bread*

  Brad Holderfield grew up around military bases the world over. His family hopped from Alabama to the west coast, then all the way over to Germany. It was weird moving around all the time, and to cope with the inevitable detachment that comes with not being able to put down roots, he retreated into a world of fantasy and daydreaming. There is a wild, ethereal air about him, even today at thirty-something. While totally grounded in his knowledge about bread and baking, he has a spacious look in his eyes, as if he might be seeing all that … Read more