I am Adrian and I’m a dedicated home baker. I’m also a rambling kind of person, and my travels have led me on a hunt for good bread. No…make that great bread. No…make that life-sustaining, hearty, chew-with-a-hefty-sigh-of-thanks kind of bread. If you know where to find some, give me a shout. For the rest, I’m have a list of my grain and flour resources so you can experience some of the places I’ve sought out, admired, and stood at the door in wonderment as I closed my eyes and breathed in a gracious thank you to the universe for this marriage of land, sea, and fire. It’s all there when you take a bite. Everything we are rolled into those perfect daily bits of quotidian prayer we can wash down with coffee each morning. Or sop up with the evening meal. It is for this reverence that I am qualified to write about bread here. That, and my constant baking forays which begin with a little pot of yeasty beasties I keep on my counter. I feed them stone-ground flour at 100% hydration twice a day at present. That might change since relationships are in constant flux.
If I can inspire you to make one loaf just to use your hands, or to sit at a bakery and really taste what’s in front of you, then my mission here is complete. This is a great, big, wide world we inhabit and you have to start somewhere. For the love of all that is wild and wonderful, start here.
All my best,