~Bread Offerings ~  January 2023

Hello bread and grain friends,

Happy new year, everyone! I hope 2023 brings you many of your wishes, and a lot of good bread!





Here’s what’s on the menu this month:

Mama Bread
This month’s Mama bread is made with whole organic spelt flour, purple barley, and red floriani corn. I like keeping a diversity of grains in rotation, and these three pair well together. All the grains for this bread come from Camas Country Mill.

Whole Wheat & Oat Sandwich bread
This bread calls to mind the bread they served in my grade school cafeteria, with its soft, tender crumb that makes for good sandwiches. It’s made with whole milk, as well as milky oats, and organic red wheat. As usual, all the flours and grains are local and freshly milled. I’ve also been using my oat flaker to roll these Hayden oats fresh. I think it adds a sweet, cerealy note that’s hard to beat.

Sesame Einkorn
I got a new batch of Einkorn grain and I’ve been playing with it to figure out the hydration of the new harvest. In the meantime, I’m craving that alluring sesame crunch. I grind the grains and toast and soak the seeds the night before, and it’s so worth it! The einkorn comes from Bluebird Grain Farms and the sesame is Anson Mills Sea Island benne seeds.


Other news from the world of grain

Asheville Bread Festival will be back in April!

– I am hosting a monthly Zoom meeting as a free resource for all bakers who want to ask questions and share ideas. It will be the first Sunday of each month, and you can join the by going to this link. Hope to see you there!

-For information about the Flour Hour experience on Airbnb, go here.