~Bread Offerings ~  June 2021~

Hello bread & grain lovers,

Here’s what’s on the menu this month:

Mama Bread
This month’s Mama bread is made with Wit Wolkering grown by farmer Mai and milled by Grist & Toll. This is the dynamic duo of women who both pay so much respect to their craft that they’re willing to go out on a few limbs to bring us the best. I love working with this flour and can’t wait to bring you this bread!

Naturally Leavened Challah
One of my favorite weekly rituals is making challah bread on Friday for my family’s Shabbat dinner. I always use stone-ground flour, usually a little sifted, and source a special honey for the week’s treat. This month, I’m working with White Spelt flour from Carolina Ground in North Carolina. This bread also has an abundance of local eggs, and is either swirled with cinnamon & currants or topped with honey, sesame & mahleb. These are rich loaves packed with beloved ingredients to make a sacred place of the table.

Fortissimo Durum Pita
I love making challah for shabbat, but quite often these pitas are the Friday night breads of choice. They go well with a lot of the foods my family eats during our weekly ritual, and I feel connected to my ancestors as I pat out the durum dough and throw each little disc over a fire. These sometimes get made on a stone in the oven, but more often than not in the summer, we make these on the grill.

100% Einkorn Loaf
Einkorn is the most ancient wheat that we still cultivate. It’s genetically different than modern wheat because it reflects the time when wheat had a simpler DNA profile. It has a buttery color and a savory flavor with mild mineral overtones. I’m using grains from Lonesome Whistle in Oregon. This bread is a pan loaf and it’s superb as toast dripping with butter and a shaving of parmesan cheese.

Whole Grain Spelt w/ Cherries, kasha & poppyseeds
I challenged myself to have at least seven different species of grain on my bread board at any given time, and this bread was born of that quest. I wanted a spelt bread and I love kasha, so I put them together to round out my bread board.

I am happy to share any of my formulas with you if you reach out. I hope whatever you are baking is inspiring your day!

With delight and gratitude,





Other news from the world of grain:

-Culinary Breeding Network hosted Grains Week! I had a blast presenting a session about the history of flour. If you missed it, find the recording here.

-I also had an enlivening and thoughtful discussion with Mark Dyck on his podcast Rise Up! Check it out here.

-Still loving this amazing new book Mother Grains by Roxanna Jullapat. I daydream about the date & oatmeal cookies. Mmmmmm.

-Don’t miss the wonderful new cookbook Southern Ground by Jennifer Lapidus. This delightful book uses all whole grain or high extraction flours and it’s full of recipes from all over the South. Grab a copy here.

-For information about the Flour Hour experience on Airbnb, go here.